Be like one of these students working hard on this project because a beautiful world starts with your hand .Be healthy and so you can gain your healthy benefits .Plant vegetables so you can taste the fruit of hard work. Don't wait the world to change,be the change.Without these vegetables you cannot live life to its fullest just like a plant without water and enough sun light you die quickly.Plant vegetables, maybe we don't know! maybe you are a green thumb.
School gardening is a very important project even to young kids who are exposed to social media.Maybe every school should have this project just like ACT.If you have planted a little plant ,that might be a big achievement because a big creation starts with a small innovation.Help mother nature and be one of these projects.
#LittleSprout |
#PlantCare |
#YouCanDoit |
#HandsOn |
#WorkBuddies |
#AllForOneOneForAll |
#Planning |
#FunTimes |
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